Once you have kindly placed your order we will ask for your required delivery date.
If all the items that you ordered are not in stock we will discuss the back order dates with you.
Please see table below for carriage paid order costs and delivery costs:
Please see carriage paid order amounts below:
Carriage Paid
SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS (POSTCODES AB10-25, IV1-3,5,8-10,DD,PH1-7,14,KW1-14 ~ £500
EIRE ~ £1,000
UK OFFSHORE ISLANDS ~ £250 (Carriage Charge at COST)
IF LESS THAN CARRIAGE PAID LESS THAN ~ £250/£750/£1000 (Carriage Charge at COST)
We will book in delivery for a specific day that is convenient and confirm the delivery address to ensure all the details are correct. If the delivery address differs from what may have originally been provided please inform us as soon as possible so we can update our records and ensure that the goods are being delivered to the correct address.
Once the goods have been dispatched it may not be possible to alter the address or the date, if this is required please inform us immediately so we can inform the relevant courier but this may be subject to an additional charge if this has been enforced by the courier.
If a delivery has been booked in and there are no personnel to receive the goods there will be a re-delivery charge as enforced by the couriers.
Giftware Trading UK ltd reserves the right to reclaim the costs of storage or other related costs where the customer fails to accept delivery of goods.
If you require any further information regarding delivery of your order please feel free to
contact us.